Hacka2thon - Ann Arbor Hackathon - Nov 11th-13th

Hacka2thon 2011 Results

Best Overall

GooseCast (goosecast.com): Instant live-blogging web-chat with photo sharing
Acar Altinsel
Kyle Mulka
Ryan Whitney
Adam Rice
Jason Long

Best Web

Eventivore (eventivore.com): Discovering events you didn't know existed (from Facebook in your area)
Max Seiden
Jonathan Meed
Brendan Benson

Best Mobile

mParty (mparty.ottosipe.com): Event system built on top of Facebook for UofM students (currently) - a way to figure out what's going on Friday night
Otto Sipe
Miguel Sanchez

Most Unique

RankIt (zank.co/rankit): Web app to help decide between choices based on input factors
Ben Burke
Connor Stack
Shiva Kilaru

Best Student

Gamez0rz: Fun game called "Don't Feed the Elephants"
Paolo Alberto Ranoso
Ailene Wisnieski

Best Designed

Team Space Camp (teamspacecamp.com): The app, MrDJ, analyzes your personal music collection to put together a playlist of songs appropriate for a party/event (e.g. finding popular music)
Mike Davis
Marc Santa
Jason English

Honorable Mentions

Richest on the Web (richestontheweb.com): A way to get people to compete for nothing (apart from ego) in order to raise money for development and for individual groups (charities, etc)
David Spiro
Chad Stark
Raj Vir
Dimitry Slavin

Si-Chi: The app, Checkmate, is a tool for teachers to track student progress when doing activities, using checklists
Micah Linnemeier
Shiblee Imtiax Hasan
Geirad Laput

Modulated Educational Posters: Generates a "modulated poster" from entered school courses, allowing you to improve your performance in those classes
David Fontenot
John Beals

I, Euclid: An interactive walkthrough of Euclid geometry
Casy Detrio
Ming Chan


Ann Arbor is a wonderful town. Some of the most influential entrepreneurs and companies our country has known have started right here in Ann Arbor, including Larry Page of Google, and Tom Monaghan of Domino Farms. But although these bright minds have gone on to found their businesses and succeed, there are plenty of new entrepreneurs ready to prove their worth as well. That's why, from November 11th to November 13th, I'm hosting an event called "Hacka2thon" right here in Ann Arbor. The event is a 36-hour programming competition for computer programmers and entrepreneurs who want to show off what they can build from start to finish in a weekend. My goal is to give just one more reason why Ann Arbor is the best place in the world for developers, dreamers, and doers to make great things happen.

Want more details?

You can read more about the event here, or, if you are ready to register for the event, go here.

Want to sponor Hacka2thon?

Check out our sponsorship levels here and if you are ready to sponsor, contact us via the sponsorship form here.

Other questions?

Feel free to contact us at contact@hacka2thon.com. We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Official Rules for Hacka2thon

  1. Hacka2thon participants must be registered for the event. If you haven't bought a ticket, you can't participate or win prizes!
  2. Teams will form and register from 4-6PM. It is fine to come with a preexisting team, but if not, we will have a space for idea people and developers to do some "speed dating"!
  3. Hacka2thon is a contest and placement will be defined by the top 3 contestants, along with honorable mentions
  4. Applications/Hacka2thon entries should not be under development prior to the contest kickoff.
  5. Pre-existing code libraries and artifacts are allowed, but it must have been available for free (Open source/demo code) at least 3 months previous, and must be specifically mentioned before presenting Hacka2thon entries on Sunday.
  6. The development tools, frameworks and application focus are entirely up to the participants. It doesn't neccesarily have to be a Web App or Program — For example, show us the coolest thing you can hack together with Arduino

  7. Participants are expected to bring all tools and software necessary to build their entry. Organizers will provide caffeine and food, but you might want to bring miscellaneous supplies like power strips, computer mice, etc.

  8. Applicants will be expected to present their apps in person to the judging panel at 12:00pm on November 13th.
  9. Prizes will be awarded at 3:00pm on November 13th.
  10. Prizes include:
    • $400 in Best Buy gift cards
    • Amazon Kindle 3G
    • Tons of Microsoft video games
    • Much more to come!
  11. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Hackathon coordinators (This is the first time we've done this event, so we know we missed something. This is just in case we did!)